SABIC USES renewable polyolefin technology to prepare PCwaste oilsfats
发布时间:2020-05-09 11:19:11 点击浏览:
SABIC USES renewable polyolefin technology to prepare PC from waste oils and fats
Recently, SABIC announced the launch of the first polycarbonate (PC) based on renewable materials. Thanks to SABIC's technological advantages in renewable polyolefin, SABIC is able to produce polycarbonate from renewable materials such as phenol, acetone and isopropyl benzene.
SABIC officials say renewable polycarbonate can reduce the carbon footprint by up to 50 percent and the use of fossil fuels by up to 35 percent. SABIC's PCS based on ISCC + certified materials will initially be manufactured at its manufacturing plant in bergen OP Zoom, the Netherlands, and will be supplied globally in the future. Certified PC resins are available for all market applications, such as automotive, consumer, electronics and electrical, construction, and healthcare.
PC - more specifically, LEXAN resin - is part of SABIC's extensive engineering thermoplastic (ETP) portfolio. Customers can use PC resins based on renewable materials on existing equipment under the same process conditions. As a result, it could help reduce the carbon footprint of its products.
Lennard Markestein, SABIC's ETP BU petrochemical director, said: "at SABIC, we take advantage of our unique position in the value chain and in Europe to produce PCS from second-generation renewable raw materials to produce a resin with the same properties as those produced from fossil fuels."
According to public information, SABIC has launched a renewable polyolefin product portfolio in 2014, mainly including renewable PE and PP. Based on waste animal and plant oils and fats as raw materials, SABIC's ethylene cracking plant in Europe can be flexibly produced without modification.
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